Mentor Sign-Ups
Volunteer mentors are the lifeblood of our events.
Without them, Hi-Skule would be unable to run events at the scale we do.

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Hey mentors! Hi-Skule has an exciting opportunity for you to return to your High School this Reading Week and give a presentation to high school students about life as a UofT engineering student! This is a great opportunity to return to your high school over Reading Week, catch up with your former teachers, maybe your principal, clubs you were a part of, and share your engineering spirit!
Hi-Skule Mentor
Become a mentor today and have the opportunity to guide young students who are curious about pursuing a career in STEM. By signing up to be a Hi-Skule mentor you’ll be notified when volunteer signup is available for all Hi-Skule Mentorship Events.
Executive Applications for First Years
Ready to make an impact as a first year? Join the 2T4-2T5 Hi-Skule exec team today! Help recruit mentors and inspire the next generation of engineers. Apply by September 13th at 11:59 PM.
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